These ideas are absolutely scrumptious--and they taught me that the sky is the limit. These beautiful images were found at: birthdaygirlblog.com.

The greatest thing about a child's birthday party menu is that it can be as simple as you would like. Some of my favorite birthday party's I've attended have had menus as simple as PB&J, vegetable cups, and cupcakes. Whatever the menu be, presentation is everything! Trust me, you'll be weak in the knees after seeing some of these pictures. Enjoy!

Menu: Wraps and fruit-ka-bobs, taffy shaped sugar cookies,
cupcakes, and cake.
Menu: We're seeing a lot of candy. I'm not complaining. I love the
presentation--the beautiful cookie sandwiches are lollies look delectable.
Menu: PB&J sandwiches in fun cutout shapes, salads, vegetables,
and, of course, goodies.
Menu: Perfect for the circus themed party--popcorn, peanuts, goldfish
and cotton candy.
I had some of the most fun finding great party favors. I have posted some wildly creative and spectacular favors for you to take a peek at.
These favors are simple upside down reeses cups with the
darling custom stickers adhered to the bottom. So
creative and classy!
cupcakes, and cake.

presentation--the beautiful cookie sandwiches are lollies look delectable.

and, of course, goodies.

and cotton candy.

darling custom stickers adhered to the bottom. So
creative and classy!
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