Things to Keep in Mind:
1. Accessories can be a great way to subtly introduce color in a space. If your space is feeling a little void of color, add hints of color in your bookshelves, atop a table, or toss a colorful throw or pillows on your upholstered pieces.
2. Bigger has always been better. Opt for bigger accessories rather than smaller to avoid clutter. Bigger pieces are more dynamic; and the best part, they take up more visual space.
3. Odd groupings are the best. Groupings being the key word--you don't necessarily need three of the same item. Mix it up with different textured and shaped items.

- The groupings in baskets and trays. The basket or tray is able to confine the items in a perfectly structured manner. This is a great idea for collections like seashells.
- Placing accessories atop stacked books. The books give the items added height.
- The picture frames tucked back against the wall of the bookshelf.
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